Painting – Spread Love

Part of the ‘Flowerpower’ collection

This painting is available in the shop. View it here.

  • Acrylics on canvas
  • Measurements canvas: 80 x 120 cm

The story

Judging people, we all do it sometimes. In our head we always compare ourselves to someone else and that often involves a strong opinion. I’ve been thinking a lot about this matter lately. In a time where people are excluded for various reasons, it seems more relevant than ever.

Recognizing that you have judgmental thoughts is a big step in the right direction. Those judgments often stem from your own view of things and probably have more to do with you than with the other person. Self-reflection can then be very helpful: this way you get to work with it yourself and you can only learn from it. Unfortunately, this step is often skipped. Judgments are spoken without thinking and consciously or unconsciously projected onto someone else. This can manifest itself in unnecessary directness, hurting another, bullying, jealousy, envy and aggression. With all the consequences for the other.

The symbolism of roses has to do with love, respect, purity, purity and sympathy. With this painting, where all roses ‘just’ grow and exist next to each other, I hope to inspire you to approach yourself, but especially others, from love and compassion. It would be so nice if we could listen more to each other and let the other in his or her worth. Respect each other’s choice, even if you disagree. You don’t have to relate every situation to yourself: what doesn’t work for you may work for someone else. Let’s give each other all the happiness in the world. And that way pass on a little love. If we all did that a little more, it would definitely make the world a better place. At least my world does. Spread love!